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[boc_heading html_element=”h1″ alignment=”center” color=”#ffffff” margin_bottom=”12px” font_size=”52px”]We craft Fine Websites[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_position=”center” divider_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.15)” margin_top=”16px”][boc_heading alignment=”center” color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.8)” subheading=”yes” font_size=”26px”]Create your own custom headers for each separate page[/boc_heading]
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[boc_top_icon_box title=”Stunning Design” type=”3″ icon=”icon icon-tools3″]Fortuna is a clean design, powerful WordPress Template suitable for a wide variety of websites[/boc_top_icon_box]
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[boc_spacing height=”80px”][boc_heading html_element=”h1″ alignment=”center” color=”#333333″]We create Exclusive Brands[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_position=”center” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”#eeeeee”][boc_heading html_element=”h3″ alignment=”center” color=”#afafaf” subheading=”yes”]We are a passionate about design bunch of fellas that take pride in their work[/boc_heading][boc_spacing]
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I am so clever that sometimes I do not get a single word of what I am saying and get very confused. Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world.

I am so clever that sometimes I do not get a single word of what I am saying and get very confused.

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[boc_heading color=”#ffffff”]Fortuna Heading Text[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”60px” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.4)”]

I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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Clients a Year

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Online Shops

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Plugins Tested

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Award Winnings

[boc_testimonials is_minimal=”yes” navigation=”Dots” animation=”Fade” autoplay=”yes” loop=”yes” auto_height=”yes”][boc_testimonial author_title=”CEO”]”On extremely short notice, BlueOwlCreative came up with the perfect design I previously envisioned for my company. “[/boc_testimonial][boc_testimonial author=”George Stoner” author_title=”Marketing Manager”]”Wow, just the template we were looking for! Stunning clean design, element rich, clean code and browser friendly!”[/boc_testimonial][boc_testimonial author=”Isabelle Cortoix”]”Awesome theme! Very intuitive to use, clean coded, and easy to customize. Just rated 5 stars! Will strongly recommend!”[/boc_testimonial][/boc_testimonials]
[boc_spacing height=”70px”]
[boc_tabs type=”vertical” minimal_style=”yes”][boc_tab title=”Visual Builder” icon=”icon icon-cube”][boc_heading color=”#333333″]Powerful Visual Builder[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”#eeeeee”]

Fortuna Features a highly customized version of Visual Composer – one of the best visual builder plugins out there. It helps you create highly customizable, sophisticated page elements with just the click of a few buttons. We created around 30 custom shortcodes that have so many customization options that will blow your mind.

[boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Fully customized Visual Composer[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Easy to import Demos[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Tons of customizable Elements to use[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]More than 1200 Icons at your finger tips[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Numerous Theme Options that guarantee uniqueness[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Numerous customizable Shortcodes available[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Fully Responsive, slick experience on all devices[/boc_list_item]
[/boc_tab][boc_tab title=”Plenty of Shortcodes” icon=”icon icon-magic”][boc_heading color=”#333333″]Diverse Navigation Possibilities[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”#eeeeee” margin_bottom=”30px”]

Fortuna wordpress theme features a highly customized version of Visual Composer – one of the best visual builder plugins out there. It helps you create highly customizable, sophisticated page elements with just the click of a few buttons. You can create custom templates holding sets of elements that you can further reuse on your pages.

The best of the best is combined in Fortuna, fine aesthetics, strong functional backbone, plenty of customizable elements, a vast array of theme customization options and last but not least a 5 star support.

Fortuna features a large set of custom menu presets you can choose from for your main navigation that you can further customize by choosing custom colors, add icons, add menu buttons, add hover effects to menu items etc. Fortuna comes with a vast variety of customizable Theme Options. Additional features include a Transparent header menu navigation, custom Mega Menus, more than 1200 icons to choose from for your menu items.

[/boc_tab][boc_tab title=”Responsive Design” icon=”icon icon-desktop2″][boc_heading color=”#333333″]Fully Responsive Design[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”#eeeeee” margin_bottom=”30px”]

Fortuna Features a highly customized version of Visual Composer – one of the best visual builder plugins out there. It helps you create highly customizable, sophisticated page elements with just the click of a few buttons. We created around 30 custom shortcodes that have so many customization options that will blow your mind.

[boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Fully customized Visual Composer[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Tons of customizable Elements to use[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Numerous Theme Options that guarantee uniqueness[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]More than 1200 Icons at your finger tips[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Easy to import Demos[/boc_list_item]
[/boc_tab][boc_tab title=”Customizable Menus” icon=”icon icon-bars”][boc_heading color=”#333333″]Diverse Navigation Possibilities[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”#eeeeee”]

Fortuna features a large set of custom menu presets you can choose from for your main navigation that you can further customize by choosing custom colors, add icons, add menu buttons, add hover effects to menu items etc.

Additional features include a Transparent header menu navigation, custom Mega Menus, more than 1200 icons to choose from for your menu items.

[boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Fully customized Visual Composer[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]More than 1200 Icons at your finger tips[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Easy to import Demos[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Tons of customizable Elements to use[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”30px” css_animation=”right-to-left” icon=”icon icon-check2″]Numerous Theme Options that guarantee uniqueness[/boc_list_item]

Fortuna Features a highly customized version of Visual Composer – one of the best visual builder plugins out there. It helps you create highly customizable, sophisticated page elements with just the click of a few buttons. We created around 30 custom shortcodes that have so many customization options that will blow your mind.

[/boc_tab][boc_tab title=”Rich Theme Options” icon=”icon icon-flag3″][boc_heading color=”#333333″]Rich Theme Options[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”#eeeeee”]

Fortuna comes with a vast variety of customizable Theme Options. Here’s a list of some of them:

[boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]Extended WP Customize screen, change your Colors, Menus etc. and see the results in real time.[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]Uploading your logo, Transparent Header logo, Retina Logo[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]Uploading your custom favicon[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]Custom Header height, color, opacity, sticky header, Transparent header options[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]Main Navigation color, hover effects, icon hover, megamenus, search in header[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]Subheader section, with custom elements in it[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]Full Font Support, pick your Heading, Menu, Buttons, Body text fonts[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]Managing your Layout – Full/Boxed, Responsiveness, Smooth Scroll, global Page, Image, Sidebar settings[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]Custom Footer settings, colors, columns, content[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]Unlimited Sidebars + per page/post sidebar management[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]Manage your Portfolio Styles, hover effects[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]WooCommerce Store settings – Different Layouts for your Store and Product Pages, left/right/no sidebar[/boc_list_item][boc_list_item margin_bottom=”10px” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]Global Custom Styling[/boc_list_item][/boc_tab][/boc_tabs]
[boc_spacing height=”40px”]
[boc_spacing height=”60px”]
[boc_heading alignment=”center” color=”#ffffff”]That’s what they said[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_position=”center” divider_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.17)”][boc_testimonials navigation=”Both” autoplay=”yes” autoplay_interval=”8000″ loop=”yes”][boc_testimonial author=”Sebastian Brown” author_title=”Marketing Manager” picture_url=”21388″]”Solid Performance and Amazing Support! Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions.”[/boc_testimonial][boc_testimonial picture_url=”15988″]”Professionally cultivate one-to-one customer service with robust ideas. Dynamically innovate resource-leveling customer service for state of the art customer service.”[/boc_testimonial][boc_testimonial author=”Jenna Stone” author_title=”Marketing Manager” picture_url=”15983″]”Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas. Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions.”[/boc_testimonial][/boc_testimonials]
[boc_text_box title=”Let’s work on your exciting new project together! Join our long, happy-client list now.” add_button=”yes” btn_content=”Buy Now” size=”btn_medium_stretched” color=”btn_white” btn_style=”btn_outline” border_radius=”btn_circled” icon=”icon icon-angle-right2″ icon_pos=”icon_pos_after”][/boc_text_box]

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