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[boc_top_icon_box title=”Stunning Design” animated=”yes” icon=”icon icon-lightbulb”]Fortuna is a clean design, powerful WordPress Template suitable for a wide variety of websites that you and your clients will love[/boc_top_icon_box][boc_spacing]
[boc_top_icon_box title=”Visual Builder” animated=”yes” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#b63b6a” icon=”icon icon-plugin”]Content creation is a breeze with the drag’n drop Visual Composer and tons of modification options available at the click of a button[/boc_top_icon_box][boc_spacing]
[boc_top_icon_box title=”Amazing Support” animated=”yes” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#f13c6e” icon=”icon icon-headphones”]With a 5 star client support we are available to respond to any issues or questions you may have at our [tooltip title=”Visit our Support Forum”]Support Forum[/tooltip] at any time[/boc_top_icon_box][boc_spacing]
[boc_top_icon_box title=”Rich Backend” animated=”yes” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#b9d648″ icon=”icon icon-genius”]Fortuna ships with Visual Composer, Revolution Slider, 1200+ icons, google fonts, unlimited colors, tons of shortcodes and theme options etc.[/boc_top_icon_box][boc_spacing]
[boc_top_icon_box title=”Easy Customization” animated=”yes” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#f6772c” icon=”icon icon-hotairballoon”]Fortuna features a wide variety of theme and element options are at your disposal so you never have to worry about being unique.[/boc_top_icon_box][boc_spacing]
[boc_top_icon_box title=”Smooth Setup” animated=”yes” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#ffbb42″ icon=”icon icon-strategy”]Fortuna is very easy to install and setup. You install the Theme and its plugins, then import the Demos and you are good to go.[/boc_top_icon_box][boc_spacing]
[boc_spacing height=”10px”]
[boc_spacing height=”40px”][boc_heading color=”#333333″ margin_bottom=”5px” css_classes=”no_text_transform letter_spacing_negative” font_size=”36px”]Fully Responsive Awesomeness[/boc_heading][boc_heading html_element=”h3″ color=”#adadad” subheading=”yes”]Fortuna’s liquid design flows smoothly on all size devices[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”#eeeeee”]

Not only is Fortuna fully responsive and looks great on different devices but you can customize each element’s behavior on distinct devices within the easy to manage Visual Composer responsive options window.

[boc_spacing][boc_button btn_content=”All Features” size=”btn_small” icon_pos=”icon_pos_after” icon_effect=”btn_icon_anim_out” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″][boc_spacing height=”40px”]
[boc_side_icon_box title=”Stunning Design” animated=”yes” icon_size=”large” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#2abfbf” href=”” target=”_blank” icon=”icon icon-tools3″]Fortuna is a clean design, powerful WordPress Template suitable for a wide variety of websites that both you and your clients will fall in love with[/boc_side_icon_box][boc_spacing height=”30px”][boc_side_icon_box title=”Plenty of Features” animated=”yes” icon_size=”large” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#2abfbf” href=”” target=”_blank” icon=”icon icon-gears”]The best of the best is combined in Fortuna, fine aesthetics, strong functional backbone, a plethora of customizable elements and theme options[/boc_side_icon_box]
[boc_side_icon_box title=”Bespoke Backend” animated=”yes” icon_size=”large” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#2abfbf” icon=”icon icon-genius”]Fortuna ships with a customized version of Visual Composer that lets you create and manage content with ease, you will wonder how you lived without it[/boc_side_icon_box][boc_spacing height=”30px”][boc_side_icon_box title=”Awesome Support” animated=”yes” icon_size=”large” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#2abfbf” icon=”icon icon-anchor3″]Fortuna theme is created by BlueOwlCreative Studio and we are proud with our friendly and timely 5-star support that you can count[/boc_side_icon_box]
[boc_spacing height=”40px”]
[boc_heading color=”#333333″ margin_top=”24px” margin_bottom=”0px” font_size=”32px”]Partners & Clients;Friends[/boc_heading][boc_heading html_element=”h3″ color=”#a8a8a8″ subheading=”yes”]Our awesome clients are Awesome![/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”#f4f4f4″ margin_top=”24px” margin_bottom=”24px”]

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I am so clever that sometimes I do not get a single word of what I am saying and get very confused.

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[boc_heading html_element=”h3″ alignment=”center” color=”#333333″]Theme Techs & Specs[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”60px” divider_position=”center” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”#eeeeee” margin_bottom=”0px”]
[boc_bar_graph title=”Tools & Functionality” percent=”87″ thin_style=”yes” custom_color=”yes” color=”#fdd74e”][boc_bar_graph title=”Design & Cool Factor” percent=”91″ thin_style=”yes” custom_color=”yes” color=”#f13c6e”][boc_bar_graph title=”Customization Options” percent=”93″ thin_style=”yes” custom_color=”yes” color=”#9ade11″][boc_bar_graph title=”Theme Support” thin_style=”yes” custom_color=”yes” color=”#4cbfbf”][boc_spacing]
[boc_accordion_section][boc_accordion title=”Stunning Design & Countless Options” is_open=”yes”]Fortuna is a diverse WordPress theme suitable for a  wide variety of websites: Corporate, Company, eCommerce, Portfolio, Personal, Blogs. Start our trial today![/boc_accordion][boc_accordion title=”Tons of customization options at your finger tips”]Fortuna will blow your mind with the virtually unlimited customization options it offers. Hundreds of style presets are available to you for all your menus, portfolio items, post items, carousels, grids etc.[/boc_accordion][boc_accordion title=”Ease of Content creation and modification”]Fortuna ships with plenty of customizable interface elements ready to add to your page at the click of a button via the best Drag’n’Drop plugin – Visual Composer.[/boc_accordion][/boc_accordion_section][boc_spacing]
[boc_spacing height=”30px”]
[boc_heading alignment=”center” color=”#ffffff” margin_bottom=”28px”]What Our Clients Say[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”60px” divider_position=”center” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”#07aba5″][boc_spacing][boc_testimonials navigation=”Both” autoplay=”yes” autoplay_interval=”8000″ loop=”yes”][boc_testimonial author=”Sebastian Brown” author_title=”Marketing Manager” picture_url=”21388″]”Solid Performance and Amazing Support! Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions.”[/boc_testimonial][boc_testimonial picture_url=”15988″]”Professionally cultivate one-to-one customer service with robust ideas. Dynamically innovate resource-leveling customer service for state of the art customer service.”[/boc_testimonial][boc_testimonial author=”Jenna Stone” author_title=”Marketing Manager” picture_url=”15983″]”Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas. Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions.”[/boc_testimonial][/boc_testimonials]
[boc_heading alignment=”center” color=”#333333″ margin_top=”60px”]Latest from Our Portfolio;Our Lovely Work[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_position=”center” divider_color=”#dddddd” margin_bottom=”46px” icon_color=”#0dbab1″ icon_bg_border=”#ffffff” icon_padding=”14px” icon=”icon icon-star3″][boc_portfolio_grid filter_links=”yes” center_filter=”yes” spacing=”no_spacing” css_items_animation=”right-to-left” display_style=”7″ img_hover_effect=”2″ fixed_size=”yes”][boc_spacing height=”40px”]

[boc_button btn_content=”Full Portfolio” target=”_self” size=”btn_small” color=”btn_white” btn_style=”” border_radius=”btn_rounded” icon=”icon icon-angle-right2″ icon_pos=”icon_pos_after” icon_effect=””]

[boc_spacing height=”100px”]
[boc_heading alignment=”center” color=”#ffffff”]Fortuna is Awesome[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”60px” divider_position=”center” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.24)”]
[boc_side_icon_box title=”Stunning Design” animated=”yes” icon_size=”large” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#2abfbf” href=”” target=”_blank” icon=”icon icon-tools3″]Fortuna is a clean design, powerful WordPress Template suitable for a wide variety of websites[/boc_side_icon_box][boc_spacing height=”30px”][boc_side_icon_box title=”Plenty of Features” animated=”yes” icon_size=”large” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#2abfbf” href=”” target=”_blank” icon=”icon icon-gears”]The best of the best is combined in Fortuna, fine aesthetics, strong functional backbone, a plethora of elements[/boc_side_icon_box]
[boc_side_icon_box title=”Bespoke Backend” animated=”yes” icon_size=”large” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#2abfbf” icon=”icon icon-genius”]Fortuna ships with a customized version of Visual Composer that lets you create and manage content with ease[/boc_side_icon_box][boc_spacing height=”30px”][boc_side_icon_box title=”Awesome Support” animated=”yes” icon_size=”large” has_icon_color=”yes” icon_color=”#2abfbf” icon=”icon icon-anchor3″]Fortuna theme is created by BlueOwlCreative Studio and we are proud with our 5-star support[/boc_side_icon_box]
[boc_heading html_element=”h1″ color=”#333333″ margin_bottom=”8px” css_classes=”no_text_transform letter_spacing_negative” font_size=”33px”]Your ultimate WordPress Theme[/boc_heading][boc_heading html_element=”h3″ color=”#adadad” subheading=”yes”]Build your website today in a matter of minutes[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”#eeeeee” margin_top=”22px” margin_bottom=”22px”]

The best of the best is combined in Fortuna. It features fine aesthetics, strong functional backend, plenty of customizable elements, a vast array of theme customization options and last but not least a 5 star support.

[boc_spacing][boc_button btn_content=”Purchase Now” css_classes=”side_bounce_icon” icon_pos=”icon_pos_after” icon_effect=”btn_icon_anim_out” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]
[boc_heading color=”#ffffff” font_size=”24px”]We craft beautiful sites[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”60px” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.4)”]

You and your clients will love the exceptionally beautiful clean and simple design of Fortuna. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

[boc_button btn_content=”Contact Us” color=”btn_white” btn_style=”btn_outline” icon_pos=”icon_pos_after” icon_effect=”btn_icon_anim_out” icon=”icon icon-like3″]
[boc_heading color=”#ffffff” font_size=”24px”]We build strong backends[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”60px” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.4)”]

Fortuna WordPress Theme is rich in Shortcodes and features that are very intuitive and easy to implement. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

[boc_button btn_content=”Contact Us” color=”btn_white” btn_style=”btn_outline” icon_pos=”icon_pos_after” icon_effect=”btn_icon_anim_out” icon=”icon icon-mail”]
[boc_heading color=”#ffffff” font_size=”24px”]We provide quality support[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”60px” divider_height=”2px” divider_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.4)”]

Fortuna is an extremely feature rich WordPress Template designed for a pleasant user experience. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

[boc_button btn_content=”Contact Us” size=”btn_small” color=”btn_white” btn_style=”btn_outline” icon_pos=”icon_pos_after” icon_effect=”btn_icon_anim_out” icon=”icon icon-paper-plane”]
[boc_icon size=”small” icon_position=”right” icon_color=”#ffffff” has_icon_bg=”yes” icon_bg=”#08ada7″ margin_top=”-8px” icon=”icon icon-star5″][boc_heading html_element=”h3″ alignment=”right” color=”#333333″]Responsive Design[/boc_heading]

Fortuna is a responsive, clean design wordpress theme that features plenty of cool features

[boc_spacing height=”50px”][boc_icon size=”small” icon_position=”right” icon_color=”#ffffff” has_icon_bg=”yes” icon_bg=”#08ada7″ margin_top=”-8px” icon=”icon icon-bulb”][boc_heading html_element=”h3″ alignment=”right” color=”#333333″]Visual Builder[/boc_heading]

Fortuna features a highly customized version of Visual Composer – one of the best visual builder

[boc_icon size=”small” icon_color=”#ffffff” has_icon_bg=”yes” icon_bg=”#08ada7″ margin_top=”-8px” icon=”icon icon-diamond2″][boc_heading html_element=”h3″ color=”#333333″]Powerful Backend[/boc_heading]

Fortuna is a responsive, clean design wordpress theme that features plenty of cool features

[boc_spacing height=”50px”][boc_icon size=”small” icon_color=”#ffffff” has_icon_bg=”yes” icon_bg=”#08ada7″ margin_top=”-8px” icon=”icon icon-bubble”][boc_heading html_element=”h3″ color=”#333333″]5-Star Support[/boc_heading]

Fortuna is a responsive, clean design wordpress theme that features plenty of cool features

[boc_heading alignment=”center” color=”#ffffff” font_size=”32px”]Fortuna is simply Awesome[/boc_heading][boc_divider divider_width=”100px” divider_position=”center” divider_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.17)”]

The best of the best is combined in Fortuna. It features fine aesthetics, strong functional backend, plenty of customizable elements, a vast array of theme customization options and last but not least a 5 star support. Fortuna is extremely diverse and implements Visual Composer.

[boc_spacing][boc_button btn_content=”Buy Now” color=”btn_white” btn_style=”btn_outline” border_radius=”btn_circled” icon_pos=”icon_pos_after” icon_effect=”btn_icon_anim_out” icon=”icon icon-arrow-right6″]
[boc_heading html_element=”h3″ color=”#333333″ background=”bgr_multidotted”]Latest News[/boc_heading][boc_posts_carousel items_visible=”4″ limit=”8″ show_date=”2″ show_excerpt=”yes” excerpt_char_limit=”80″ add_dots=”yes” show_read_more=”yes” read_more_style=”1″ img_hover_effect=”2″]
[boc_text_box title=”Let’s work on your exciting new project together! Join our long, happy-client list now.” add_button=”yes” btn_content=”Buy Now” size=”btn_medium_stretched” color=”btn_white” btn_style=”btn_outline” border_radius=”btn_circled” icon=”icon icon-angle-right2″ icon_pos=”icon_pos_after” css_classes2=”no_text_transform body_font”][/boc_text_box]

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